Ozone Generator For Water treatment
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Ozone Generator For Water treatment
Ozone is a widely recognized disinfectant in the world. Using air or oxygen as raw material, ozone is discharged through high frequency and high voltage. The oxygen molecule ratio of ozone to the reactive oxygen atom of ozone, the specific active chemical properties, is a strong oxidant, which can quickly kill bacteria in the air at a certain concentration. There is no toxic residue, rather than secondary pollution, known as "clean oxidants and disinfectants."

The ozonator is a device for producing ozone. Ozone is easy to decompose and cannot be stored on site for use. Ozone generator is widely used in tap water, sewage, industrial oxidation, space sterilization and other fields.

Ozone for Reduction of Excess Sludge
Activated sludge process can improve the daily treatment capacity of sewage, as a commonly used sewage treatment technology has been widely used at home and abroad, but the excess sludge produced in the sewage treatment process has become a problem, and the cost of sludge treatment accounts for a large part of the whole sewage treatment cost. In excess sludge reduction technology, ozone reduction sludge pretreatment technology has been relatively mature.
Through ozone treatment sewage sludge as a part of the target, and with the waste water aeration tank, microbial digestion of a substantial reduction in utilization, part of the conversion into carbon dioxide, sludge after this pretreatment of ozone, the excess sludge. The ozone generator is needed for the website of ozone excess sludge reduction, which consumes a lot of energy. The development of ozone generator with high efficiency of ozone utilization plays a significant role in reducing the cost of water.
In recent years, Japan has been committed to the development of efficient ozone generators. In the study of improving the efficiency of ozone utilization, the continuous primary concentration of ozone sludge was changed into intermittent high concentration ozone sludge, and the actual waste water was used as a control experiment. The results show that about a quarter of raw materials are needed for the improved ozone sludge treatment. At the same time, the treated water quality is better than continuous low concentration ozone treatment, which provides a possible way to reduce the cost of ozone sludge reduction sewage treatment technology.

Ozone for Water Deodorization
The odorant substances in waste water treatment mainly consist of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur. Only a few odor substances are inorganic compounds, such as ammonia, phosphorus, hydrogen sulfide. the most odor substances are organic compounds, such as low molecular weight fatty acids, amines, aldehydes, ketones, ethers, etc. When WWTP flows into my analysis, 80% of the water is sewage, that is, the content of organic matter is very high, and the content of inorganic compounds is relatively small. The most odorant substances are organic compounds, such as low molecular weight fatty acids, amines, aldehydes, ketones, ethers and analogues, which have active groups and are easy to produce chemical reactions, especially easy to be oxidized. Among these substances with strong oxidation characteristics ozone, the active groups are oxidized and the odor disappears, so as to achieve the principle of deodorization. In addition to removing ozone odor, it can also prevent odor. Then, this is because the gas produced in the ozone generator contains a large amount of oxygen or air. In the environment where odor is easy to cause anoxia and ozone treatment, the formed oxidation deodorant can prevent odor from generating again. For the improvement of sewage environment of urban sewage treatment plant, this is quite large.

Ozone for Water Decolorization
With people's attention to the environment of tap water source and the reuse of secondary treatment water, people pay more attention to the discoloration of secondary treatment water. Due to the color and taste caused by humus, the average color of water is 10 degrees. Up to 20 degrees. This kind of chroma can't pass the general condensation sedimentation and sand filtration process, or even exceed the worst standard to reach the water quality standard of complete removal. After ozone treatment, the chroma can be reduced to less than 1 degree. The reason for the coloring of common tap water is that the content of iron and manganese is too large and the metal is in a free state, which can completely remove the conventional methods. If the raw water contains humus, it is sometimes difficult to form chromium salt in a conventional way. Therefore, it is also an important factor in ozone treatment.

Today, the development of the ozone generator industry is really good. Of course, most people are concerned about the unlikely side effects of ozone, the debate on ozone, and what kind of impact and damage to the ozone generator, which many people want to know. Ozone disinfection is based on the principle of ozone generator. Because ozone dissolves in water and has several strong bactericidal effects in the air. The application of ozone sterilizer can kill the bacteria in dishwasher and the bacteria in water, not only to achieve sterilization, but also to avoid water bacterial pollution.